Celebrating Tamil New Year, or Puthandu, is a deeply cherished tradition among Tamil communities around the world, marking the first day of the Tamil calendar month Chithirai. The festival, also known as Varusha Pirappu, is a time of joy, renewal, and festivity, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Tamil Nadu and Tamil-speaking populations globally.
Join us for a vibrant celebration of Tamil culture at Chithirai Thiruvizha, where we’ll mark the Tamil New Year with a spectacular array of cultural events in a traditional folk them.
The Vazhai Ilai Virunthu, or feast served on banana leaves, is another quintessential element of Tamil New Year celebrations. Kindly choose the appropriate slots for dining while booking the tickets.
Please note that this is an indicative slot and there might be changes based on logistic considerations. In case of such changes, we ask for your understanding!
Offer 1: Book 5 Tickets and get 50% OFF for 1 Ticket (i.e., 50% Off on the 6th Ticket)
Offer 2: Book 10 Tickets and get 1 Ticket free (i.e., 11th Ticket is free)
Step 1: Complete your group ticket booking.
Step 2: Send us an email at muenchentamilsangam@gmail.com with your order ID.
Step 3: Include the name (first and last name) and email ID of the individual to whom the offer should be applied.
Step 4: In case of Offer 1, we will send you the order link to book the 50% non-member adult ticket at € 14.00. In case of Offer 2, we will directly send you the free ticket to the email ID provided.
-This offer is valid only for purchases made during the flash sale period. The sale ends on April 25th at 12:00 noon.
-The additional ticket at a discounted rate at 50% or the free is applicable to Non-Member Adult tickets only.
-The offer is subject to availability and may change or end without notice.
It’s a time to come together, share the joy, and look forward to the new beginnings that ‘Puthandu’ symbolizes. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the warmth and vibrancy of Tamil culture at Chithirai Thiruvizha. Book your tickets now and join us for a memorable celebration!
München Tamil Sangam e.V.
Einwelthaus München
Schwanthalerstrasse 80, 80336